Corporate Documents

California Compliance Program Overview

Authorized Distributors of Record

Price Transparency

Vermont Pricing Disclosure Short Form – Aptiom® (eslicarbazepine acetate)

Vermont Pricing Disclosure Long Form – Aptiom® (eslicarbazepine acetate)

Vermont Pricing Disclosure Short Form – Gemtesa® (vibegron)

Vermont Pricing Disclosure Long Form – Gemtesa® (vibegron)

Vermont Pricing Disclosure – Latuda® (lurasidone HCl tablets)

Vermont Pricing Disclosure Short Form – Myfembree® (relugolix, estradiol, and norethindrone acetate)

Vermont Pricing Disclosure Long Form – Myfembree® (relugolix, estradiol, and norethindrone acetate)

Vermont Pricing Disclosure Short Form – Orgovyx® (relugolix)

Vermont Pricing Disclosure Long Form – Orgovyx® (relugolix)

Colorado WAC Disclosure Form – Aptiom® (eslicarbazepine acetate)

Colorado WAC Disclosure Form – Gemtesa® (vibegron)

Colorado WAC Disclosure Form – Myfembree® (relugolix, estradiol, and norethindrone acetate)

Colorado WAC Disclosure Form – Orgovyx® (relugolix)

Colorado WAC Disclosure Form – Rethymic® (allogeneic processed thymus tissue–agdc)

Connecticut Pricing Disclosure – Aptiom® (eslicarbazepine acetate)

Connecticut Pricing Disclosure – Gemtesa® (vibegron)

Connecticut Pricing Disclosure – Myfembree® (relugolix, estradiol, and norethindrone acetate)

Connecticut Pricing Disclosure – Orgovyx® (relugolix)

Connecticut Pricing Disclosure – Rethymic® (allogeneic processed thymus tissue–agdc)